Thursday, September 12, 2024


A successful morning! Beginning with breakfast and a lovely chat with Vivien in Verdi's.

Then picked up the pottery GrandDaughter2 and I painted in the summer hols. Here's my attempt. I realised too late that FLOWERS is too big to go on a small vase. Truth be told, I didn't realise until I unpacked and looked at the finished product.
Then to the library to exchange books, from where I drove to Cwtch Mawr on the other side of town to pick up the coats and trainers I'd ordered for Zac's. (Cwtch Mawr passes on goods donated by companies like Amazon, so everything is brand new.)

Dropped those off then it was home for lunch, which I've just eaten, before I go outside and look at the stone delivery and think. Mostly how to get a ton of stones from the front of the house to the back when there are lots of steps and slopes involved.
It was largely - completely - at my insistence that Husband ordered the stones. We need some for the terraced garden below my rambling rose wall.
Husband: Do you know how to make a dry stone wall?
Me: Course I do. How hard can it be to put one stone on top of another?
Husband rolls his eyes.


jabblog said...

Good luck with the dry stone wall. Don't forget to show us some photographs.

Boud said...

You may need to check Ants Country Life on YouTube for the skills of building a drystone wall. It involves chisels.

Liz Hinds said...


Ann said...

Oh that looks like a lot of hard work with that stone.

Kathy G said...

You had me at ice cream for breakfast.

Liz Hinds said...

Husband has given me strict instructions not to start until he tells me what to do.

Liz Hinds said...

It was!

Liz Hinds said...

Can't beat it!