Thursday, September 12, 2024

Castles on the prom

Well, we've moved about a third of the stones halfway, so that's something. Husband insisted on helping even though I was fervent in my disapproval. He wore a heart monitor and it stayed below 112, unlike mine which went up to 130.

I'm not sure what that says about us and our comparative strength and heart efficiency.

And, oh fiddle! I've just noticed I left my jumper out there in the rain.

But here's the castle outside Verdi's. 

The exhibition finishes on Sunday and I've not seen them all yet. There's one I definitely want to see and it's at Swansea train station. Tomorrow I've sort of tentatively put a meeting in my diary. The national Society of Authors has just set up a Swansea branch and they're meeting in a cafe near the train station tomorrow afternoon. I have vague thoughts of going along after Zac's food service. 

I could go to the station, get my photo of the castle, then wander into the cafe and see if I can spot a likely-looking group, and make my decision depending on how scary or not they look. That might be a good option. Not committing myself too much.

There's a part of me thinks it would be good to rebuild contacts with writers and re-enthuse myself, but they're all bound to be more experienced and successful and published than me. Also part of me thinks, do I really want to get involved in anything else? Time's too short as it is.

And just by the by, I am so fed up of people who don't reply to emails even when they've been asked a question. Yes, men, since you asked.

* * * * *

They've been working on rebuilding the sea defences (wall) from the village down to Verdi's for what seems like years. Certainly the prom has been largely a no-go area this year for visitors. 

I'm sure they know what they're doing (apart from the digger driver whose digger got stuck in the mud and drowned) but it's been a huge project. Then again, if global warming brings us lots more rain and sea we may need it before long. The fact that it doesn't look that different is an illusion I have no doubt.

Part of the work has been building a wall to stop people falling off the prom. When I was little there was a section of edge studded with stones and it was part of the fun to walk along it, tiptoeing between stones. No-one ever said, "Don't fall off!" We weren't that stupid.

You can just see the stoney edging.


jabblog said...

We're too careful about everything these days. It doesn't lead to an adventurous, imaginative life,.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I hope you get to see the castle at the train station tomorrow!

Anvilcloud said...

I hope the wall is plenty high because I don’t know what is coming.

Kathy G said...

That is a lovely castle. I hope you can see the other one.

acorn hollow said...

Interesting painted castle. We have painted snow people lining the streets .

Chris said...

A good visitor attraction, how many will there be?

Liz Hinds said...

I agree. I am a bad influence on my grandchildren - Yes, go ahead!

Liz Hinds said...

I did!

Liz Hinds said...

Who does?

Liz Hinds said...

I saw lots but not all sadly.

Liz Hinds said...

Oh, lovely!

Liz Hinds said...

Just over 50.