Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Other people's blogs

Over on Janie's blog she recommends visiting never walz dot com. So I did and it is worth it, especially for American friends.

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On Abby's blog she talks about a friend whose bicycle was stolen. It reminded me of our experience. 

For many years Husband would cycle to work. It wasn't too far and mostly flat. He usually complained that the wind changed direction during the day so it was ALWAYS against him but apart from that, and  accosting a security van for nearly running him over, and being stopped by the police for going through red lights, he got on fine. 

One night we were fast asleep in bed when Husband suddenly woke up and exclaimed (thus waking me), "That's my bike!"

He identified his bike being ridden by the distinctive squeak. By the time he got up and out, his bike, which had been locked in the garage, and the thief were well away. 

He called the police. Yes, it was the middle of the night, but, yes, they came. Must have been a quiet night. As Husband took them round the back to the garage I suddenly remembered our son's collection of hub caps that were on display in the courtyard. We knew they'd all been acquired innocently - found at road sides - but would the police look askance at them?

They didn't even blink. They were probably so amazed at having been summoned for a bike theft they couldn't face anything else.

* * * * *

I got back from Zac's at about 9.45 last night. I arrived to find Husband and Toby in the garden. "That stupid cat!" Husband yelled.

Stella Cat had snuck past him and gone into the garden. And then gone over the wall into next door's garden. That had been two hours earlier. Since then Husband had been keeping watch to see if she would come back.

Husband likes his Tuesday evenings on his own, with a glass of whisky and listening to music. He was not best pleased to have it ruined by the "stupid cat".

"There's no sign of her. I'm going to bed," he said as he stomped off. 

I said I'd stay up a bit in case. I switched the computer back on and played a couple of games then Toby started barking and I heard that familiar tinkling. I rushed to open the door - and Toby ran out and Stella ran away. 

But a minute later she crept around the corner and back into the house.

I claim it was the frantic repeated prayers that did it; Husband claims it was because she was hungry.

Husband looks a bit dopey in this photo because he didn't know Stella was behind his head and thought he must have something on his face making him look silly to make me want to take a photo.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh, that runaway Stella!

Marie Smith said...

Adventures with critters…they keep life interesting, in ways we don’t want sometimes.

Kathy G said...

I hope that Stella isn't developing the habit of nighttime outside adventures.

Anvilcloud said...

You've opened the door literally, and it the metaphorical sense as well. There will be nothing but fun from now on.

Ann said...

Sneaky kitty