Thursday, September 05, 2024

I wasn't expecting that

"Do you want to go to yoga this afternoon?"

Husband has naturally been anxious about his health issues. Younger Son suggested he meditate and, while I laughed at the very idea of Husband agreeing to meditate, I remembered that a few years ago he said he might give yoga a try. We never did.

But it just so happened there is a free session nearby on a Thursday hence my question to him.

All the same, when he said, "Yes," I just stared at him. He laughed, "You weren't expecting that, were you?"
I shook my head. "You're happy to go to yoga today?"
"This afternoon?"

Which is how, just an hour or so later we found ourselves stretched out on a floor surrounded by middle-aged, long-haired women.

Husband has never done yoga and I last did it about forty years ago, so wasn't sure what to expect. 

She began with a chat and, at one point, when she was going on about chakras, and lotus blossoms on our heads, and I was somewhere else completely, she looked at me and said, "You understand?"
"Hm," I nodded.

So, yes, there was a bit too much chakra and sending energy to the different bits for me but it was very relaxing. I mean how bad can it be lying down, deliberately doing nothing, for an hour and a half, with an eye cushion to keep it dark? But not enough stretching and bending and twisting. Too much stillness, too much breathing and directing energy.

We might try Tai Chi next! Last done at 6.00 am on a boat in Ha Long Bay in Vietnam in 2015.

No, wait, last done in 2019, in a wood in Pontardawe.


jabblog said...

It's refreshing when your husband can still surprise you after so many years together.😃

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh yeah, switch to tai chi. Bonus -- no getting up and down off the floor.

Ann said...

I've knew someone who did tai chi and loved it.

Kathy G said...

Every yoga instructor is different (and I suspect every tai chi one is too). It takes a bit of visiting different classes to find the one that works for you.

Marie Smith said...

I like your spirits of adventure, you two!

acorn hollow said...

Hey at least you can get down on the mat without groaning that would be.

Boud said...

Nice try. But maybe a more active form would be better. There are different kinds of yoga.

Sue said...

I think for me tai chi would be a much better option, once I got on the floor for yoga it would take all of the class to get me back up again ... or I suppose I could just crawl out of the room and back to the car. ;-)

Anvilcloud said...

Sue once did Hot Tai Chi, as in deliberately made hot. She didn't last too long.