Saturday, September 28, 2024

Don't make a bunny mad

A post on Debra's blog reminded me that when I get cross and tackle someone about something, it's always me who ends up apologising. In yesterday's incident I was right in tackling it but did it in the wrong way.

There is a man who is very innocuous but he irritates me beyond, for no obvious reason. It's one of my big struggles at the moment. Do you have people like that, the sort that everyone gets on with, but who annoys you? Or are you nice?

Debra's blog post also seemed appropriately timed with the announcement of the death of Dame Maggie Smith, queen of the withering look.

This image was on Twitter and I loved it.

Looking at it again now it still makes me laugh.

1 comment:

Boud said...

I've been bitten by a bunny! They still got weapons..