Sunday, September 15, 2024

Death and art

It's worrying when you see a Facebook post from someone you thought was dead.

Initially I assumed it must be an old post that had just been picked up by somebody else, the way that happens sometimes, but I checked the dates and it is definitely recent. So this person isn't dead.

I wonder why I thought he was.

Perhaps he thinks I am  . . .

* * * * *

In prison this morning. A good turnout and everyone was very quiet throughout even though the chaplain went on a bit too long. I lost interest anyway.

Shaking hands on the way out one man withdrew his hand and said, "I've got a really bad skin condition." Then he used his other hand which I tried to shake without holding it and without looking too obvious. I think I failed.

He blamed the prison soap. 

* * * * *

This morning I spotted a quote attributed wrongly to Banksy: 

Art Should Comfort the Disturbed and Disturb the Comfortable.

(It was Cesar A Cruz, educator and activist, who said it.)

Doris who used* to reside in the corner of the main hall in Zac's certainly disturbed a few people - me included when I'd forget she was there and would suddenly catch a glimpse of her out of the corner of my eye.

She is the work of artist Steve Spicer.

Sean commissioned a variety of different artists to each produce a piece based on one of the Beatitudes (Blessed are the . . . sayings of Jesus.) Doris is Blessed are those who mourn. In her back she has drawers, each holding symbols of things she has lost.

I think Doris fulfils the definition of art given by Dr Cruz.

* Currently all the artwork is in storage because of the damp in the hall.

* * * * *
Yesterday Husband noticed that the handle on our new French door cast a beautiful reflection.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, Doris is kind of creepy but she does wonderfully capture "mourning." And I learned that phrase as "Religion should comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable."

Anvilcloud said...

Doris was a top-drawer piece of art.

jabblog said...

I'd find Doris quite unnerving!

Ann said...

Yep, Doris would probably freak me out a bit if I had forgotten she was there and caught a glimpse of her.
Cool reflection.

Liz Hinds said...

Amen to that, Debra. Sadly not enough of the afflicting the comfortable.

Liz Hinds said...

Very clever!

Liz Hinds said...

She's very comforting if you sit with her.

Liz Hinds said...

It was so pretty!