Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Ta dah!


Not as hideous as I suspected as all the pieces are unique. 

* * * * *

Another good crop of raspberries so, as it was a birthday in Zac's, I decided to try a new recipe for a raspberry and white chocolate loaf cake. It used four eggs which seemed a lot for the other quantities but I went along with it.

When they were cooked and I took them out of the oven the bottoms were falling apart, and practically oozing. They didn't seem cooked but the stick-a-skewer-in test had worked so I left them hoping they'd firm up.

The topping was white chocolate butter cream and with the quantity given for one I covered both cakes. (I made a spare.) For the birthday cake I left it upside down, covered it with icing, and hoped for the best.
It was okay when I cut it up although a bit fally-aparty. One man said it was the best cake he'd had for years. This is a good thing about cooking for Zac's: most people only eat shop cakes so home-made always goes down well, regardless! A group of women from the WI would probably have torn it to shreds with their criticisms.


Marie Smith said...

Looks delicious! Taste is what really matters!

Boud said...

It does look good. And homemade always wins.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Looks very festive and so long as people enjoyed it, that's the main thing!

jabblog said...

Well done with the jigsaw. I would have gone cross-eyed over it.

Kathy G said...

Congratulations on another successful set of projects.

Ann said...

It sure does look delicious. I wouldn't have minded a bit fally aparty at all.

Anvilcloud said...

I had forgotten that other cakes other than shop cakes. 😊