Sunday, August 25, 2024

Not so jolly japes

Having been to church, tidied the kitchen, done the ironing, and changed the bed, I feel justified in sitting down to a new jigsaw.

And I find that not all the books on the shelves are unique, rather they appear several times. This has annoyed me a lot, probably an unreasonable amount. This is not what I want from a jigsaw.

I am a jumble. My head isn't sure what it's thinking. Am I tired? Or just lazy? Is it real weariness? Or simply idleness? Am I depressed or telling myself I am? I want to do lots of things but I can't be bothered. There are many things I should do, but the same applies. Mostly I want to curl up in bed and sleep - but my nights are restless. I need to keep busy but don't have the enthusiasm.

So right now I don't want an annoying jigsaw!

I should add that Toby Dog is coming to stay this week so I'll soon have plenty to keep me busy and active.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Maybe you just need a day off, Liz, to do absolutely nothing and rest. I used to have days like that when I was working full time -- I called them "crash and burn days" and felt better afterwards once I had completely rested. Nothing to feel guilty about!

Kathy G said...

Nothing says that you have to finish every puzzle you start.

Boud said...

Do you ever get a day just to yourself, without attending to other people? I think you could use one. Or more.

Ann said...

I have the problem all the time of having things I want to do but can't get myself to do them.

jabblog said...

I blame it on the weather!

Janie Junebug said...

Maybe you need a nap every now and then. We should treat ourselves the way we treated our overly tired and stressed toddlers.
