Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Not a heart attack

I was just dropping off to sleep last night when I got a pain in my chest. It was quite nasty and no matter which way I turned it seemed to come in waves. 

After a bit, when I had convinced myself I was definitely having a heart attack and should probably do something, I went downstairs and got my heart monitor. Of course my heart was beating completely normally. Then I went to sleep. I'm still here this morning so all is well.

And all my scones/jam splits/Austrian discus got eaten in Zac's and two people said how utterly delicious they were. A bit of butter - okay, a lot of butter - and jam can make anything better.

Bryan, one of our amazing volunteers, made me this beautiful bowl as a thank you for hosting the barbecue.

We have men coming this morning to replace some of the windows in the lounge. I helped Husband move furniture in preparation and discovered a silver paper wrapping from a Christmas tree chocolate, an octopus ball game, and a stick. 


jabblog said...

Indigestion mimics heart attacks.
The bowl is beautiful.

Liz Hinds said...

Yes, undoubtedly it was those scones!

Chris said...

Glad you're alright, indigestion? Ha ha the findings when moving furniture, I've done that!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That bowl is a work of art! Glad your heart is okay.

Kathy G said...

I'm glad to hear the issue turned out to be nothing. I also convince myself I have some horrible health thing every couple of months. None of them have come true yet.

Marie Smith said...

Glad you were ok, Liz.

Boud said...

That was scary. I'm glad it didn't come to anything. Maybe it was the scones.. or the jam!

Boud said...

I forgot to admire that lovely bowl. That's definitely a gracious gift.

Ann said...

When I have certain aches or pains I can easily convince myself at times that I'm about to die.
That's a beautiful bowl. What a nice gift.

Liz Hinds said...

Thanks, all. It was probably the scones!

Anvilcloud said...

I've had funny things happen that they've even tested. Nothing.

Janie Junebug said...

Perhaps a muscle spasm that could be treated with an ice pack? I had terrible muscle spasms in my chest a few years ago and I thought I was having a heart attack.


Margie from Toronto said...

A pain like that in a woman can be a sign of gall bladder problems. If it happens again you might want to check with your doctor. Certain foods can trigger an attack.