Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Changing stereotypes

Walking away from Zac's today I passed an older Muslim gentleman hurrying to the mosque. We exchanged smiles and he said, "Awright?" in a broad Welsh accent.

I chuckled all the way back to the car.

From there I collected GrandDaughter2 for a trip to McDonalds and the pottery painting workshop. It's a very relaxing way to spend an hour or so. I copied GrandDaughter2's ideas as you'll see when we get them back in a couple of weeks when they've been glazed and fired.

It's annoying though that the image that I create looks nothing like the masterpiece in my imagination.


Boud said...

Art works that way! What you thought about never seems to appear. But better stuff might.

jabblog said...

Enjoying the process is at least as important as the finished article.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Your final sentence -- that's the dilemma of every artist who ever lived!

Janie Junebug said...

You have me wondering what Mickey D's is like in other countries. I've read they have different offerings from what we having the U.S. I confess I haven't been to a McDonald's in years, though, so for all I know they now have fried alligator served with a side of hair balls.


Ann said...

I seldom have things turn out to match the image I had in my head.

Marie Smith said...

Such a great way to spend time with your granddaughter!