Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Is it me?

Blogger has changed something so when I look at my comments the page is different. I can cope with that but I used to be able to click on the name of the commentator and details would come up about his/her own blog. That's disappeared now so I can't return visits easily.

So it it me?


Sue in Suffolk said...

Hasn't changed for me on my blog

Boud said...

Blogger has changed a lot of features. Comments look and load differently. You can't post multiple pix at a time. People are forced to be anonymous from iPad -- I publish them when I know who it is! And more. I wish they'd stop improving it and making it harder to use.

Boud said...

Am I in spam?

Abby said...

Hmmm, same here I think. If I click the name, there is no link. But if I click the image next to the name, I get the link.

jabblog said...

Mine hasn't changed - yet.

Liz Hinds said...

Ah yes, Abby, that works! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

It’s enough to drive a teatotaller to drink. /AC

Boud said...

Please check spam, Liz. My real comments are vanishing.

acorn hollow said...

Yes I do think something has changed. But it always is.

Liz Hinds said...

How do I check spam, Boud?

Marie Smith said...

Blogger is always presenting a challenge.

Boud said...

Liz, go to comments page. Middle at the top is an arrow head. Click. You'll find. There will be an option to click "not spam" or something like that. You may find quite a lot in there. Including most of mine!!

PipeTobacco said...

It seems to work normally for me on my blog and also when I click on folks who commented on your blog too. Perhaps you need to do a hard reset on your computer (turn it completely off, rest it for a couple of minutes, and restart it)? Doing that OFTEN fixes weird things my computer sometimes does.


Chatty Crone said...

Even as I write this the comment page has changed as well.