Saturday, August 24, 2024

In which I have good intentions

Anyone looking in the cupboard under my sink would think, "Now here's a woman who likes to clean."

They'd be wrong.

Here's a woman who thinks she should clean, buys lots of bottles of cleaning stuff, puts them away, and forgets about them.

That, above, is my under-sink cupboard after I've sorted it out. I have another space on the floor of my saucepan cupboard where I usually keep refills, but this morning I had a sudden burst of enthusiasm - and I have to make the most of these - and I cleaned out both.

I've only actually cleaned the sink cupboard. But I've taken bottles out of the other cupboard and moved things around. Hopefully now I'll have a better idea of what I have and what I need. Bev, my wonderful cleaner - how did I live without her? - brings her own products so anything I buy is just for my use. Or not.

An aged bottle of oven cleaner. As I've not cleaned my oven in ahhum years I'm not likely to start now, so I could throw it away. But that seems wasteful so I'll just put it at the back of my saucepan cupboard until next time I get an urge.

Bottles that had marker pen writing on them that has now faded. Will I remember what they're for? But I'd better keep them just in case.

But I can definitely chuck this dried-up hardened j-cloth!



Boud said...

Once you get a house cleaner you can't manage without them. I only do the bits cleaners don't, such as inside cabinets, and I don't know how I managed before.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Looking very ship-shape!

Anvilcloud said...

Chucking the cloth is something.

Cop Car said...

Good for you! I find the aggravation of putting up with cleaners to outweigh the inconvenience of my doing the work. (To be honest I should say "outweigh the inconvenience of putting up with a less-clean house.)

Abby said...

HA! Okay, you've motivated me to clean... or at least organize old cleaning supplies

Ann said...

Mine looks about the same.