Thursday, August 08, 2024

Good grief!

I just looked in my Comments Spam folder and it's swallowed loads of your comments!

I didn't even know there was a Spam folder for Comments until Boud told me - and how to access it. 

So apologies to anyone I've ignored or not responded to, or not visited. I have occasionally wondered why I don't receive many comments so this explains it. It's strange as some comments from, say Ann or Anvilcloud, are published and others aren't. That's not logical. Nor is the fact that Boud's comment asking if she's in spam is published while her other comments aren't.

I don't know how to stop it though. Maybe if I check regularly and keep allowing comments from friends then it will learn. Hopefully it's a faster learner than me.

* * * * *

Lovely evening with the family last night in Prezzo - yes, we ate out for the third time in six days!


Ann said...

I have the same problem. I keep forgetting to check the spam folder until someone mentions that they think they are going to spam again. It makes no sense at all. One day a comment from someone will publish and the next it will go to spam.

Anvilcloud said...

Thanks for the reminder. It has been awhile since I thought to check. There were 36 comments in there, and only two were spam, and they were not bad spam.

jabblog said...

Blogger is a law unto itself.

Boud said...

I think I may be in there again!

Kathy G said...

There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason as to which comments end up in Spam. I've even found some of my own responses there!