Monday, July 08, 2024

I never promised you a rose garden


I don't know my own strength, or maybe rather the strength of the roots. And that's after Husband jumped up and down on it to try to straighten it.

Rambling rose bed re-worked ready for planting tomorrow, I hope, weather permitting. Husband fixed wires along the wall and fence for them to ramble over. He also mowed the lawn so has had a very busy and tiring day. I kept checking, "Are you okay? Don't overdo it," but in the end it was me who was over-doing the digging, with the resulting backache.

I also sort of rebuilt bits of the little wall, in true that'll-do fashion.

I can't wait to see the roses rambling all over.


Boud said...

I count on plants to cover my amateurish support ideas!
That digger looks quite artisanal now.

Anvilcloud said...

Actually, I am humming Rambling Rose.

jabblog said...

I hope the roses are in good rambling mode.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Anvilcloud has the same soundtrack going on as in my mind! I don't think Nat King Cole was singing about flowers though, LOL!

Chris said...

With roses climbing all over it, the wall will be wow!

Ann said...

I started singing that song as soon as I read your title.