Sunday, July 28, 2024

I make me laugh

I make myself laugh. Yesterday I thought, "I must bury those scallions today."
Admittedly burying is what I was doing but I prefer to think of it as planting.
I have no idea how onions grow or whether these are too dead anyway but it's an experiment.

Also in the garden, the first of my gladioli.

And, I know I'm getting boring, but my favourite rose growing over George's bench is flowering again.

Another lovely day today and the family's coming round for a lunchtime barbecue so I headed to M&S first thing to stock up. Forgetting again that M&S doesn't open until 11 am.



jabblog said...

Your gladioli is a pretty colour.
It's strange, but I never feel comfortable shopping on a Sunday, or going to the cinema. Daft, really, as I don't go to church (don't like the sermons)

Marie Smith said...

A lovely summer day indeed! I wish you many more, my friend!

Boud said...

Finally a nice summer day! Enjoy it.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I love glads!

Anvilcloud said...

I was going to say "Enjoy your bbq" but with the time difference, I suppose you already have.

Liz Hinds said...

Thanks all. Yes, AC, we did.

Kathy G said...

Those scallions will be a nice experiment. Please report back.

Ann said...

I like the idea of experimenting. I remember my mother planting gladiolas way back when I was a child. They never could stand up because they were so top heavy

PipeTobacco said...

I do hope the scallions grow well! I have never had good luck growing any oniony type plant.
