Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Cake, chocolate and cherries

It's been hot!

Thirty degrees air temperature and nearly twenty-five in the pool. That's my excuse for not blogging. When I wasn't prepping to lead Zac's next night I was sitting in the sun/shade. We have to make the most of it, you know.

Family's been around swimming in the pool, and life has been rather nice.

Our rhubarb patch is out-growing itself so yesterday I made rhubarb and white chocolate blondies for Zac's. When they came out of the oven they smelled heavenly, even with my bad sense of smell.

And last night Dave brought a big box of Milk Tray along too.
And remember I am still on my stupid no sugar thing.

Fortunately Woody had just returned from fruit-picking in Kent and brought along a large bag of cherries. Delicious cherries. Big and dark and sweet and juicy. (Yes, I ate most of them.) (Fruit does not count as sugar.)

As we've finished our series on Hebrews we're doing a few weeks of odd this-and-that studies, and last night I was looking at church, what the purpose is, and asking how well Zac's performs.

A few things we could improve on but overall everyone loves Zac's. "This is what a church is." "Unity in unconventionality, so much wisdom." "You can say anything, any questions can be asked without ridicule." "A definition of a church is what you've got here."

I've been in Zac's so long I don't think of us as unconventional and it always comes as a surprise.

So lots of brownie points. One of the special moments happened for me at the end.

One man who often comes along but never says anything in the group came up to me after we'd finished. How can I describe him? His appearance, his mannerisms, his hard to understand speech, could isolate him but he is part of Zac's and included in a smaller group of friends.

I had asked if there were things people would like to see happening. This man came and suggested meeting on Sunday mornings or afternoons as well as Tuesday evenings. While I didn't understand his every word he was able to communicate how much he would like it.

And it felt really special. Sadly* many of the regulars go to other churches on Sundays so we may not be able to do it but we will definitely think around it.

*Not sadly that they go to other churches but sadly that we may not be able to accommodate his wish.

* * * * *
Husband has been taking some medicine for a mouth lurgy and sets the timer on his phone to remind him. Which is great except his phone is usually downstairs while he is up or inside while he is out and it's me who hears its annoying repetitive little jingle, has to turn it off and call Husband to tell him.

Which may not sound like much but when I'm in the study trying to concentrate and his phone is in the kitchen, it's driven me mad!

I shall be so glad when he finishes his medication.


Anvilcloud said...

That box of chocolates looks similar to the kids we had at Christmas when I was a boy.

Your hubby needs a smart watch to go with his phone. :)

Boud said...

You had me at milk tray!

Ann said...

I got stuck on that box of chocolate. I read the whole post but all I could think about was how good those would taste.

PipeTobacco said...

The bloodies look delicious! Unfortunately for me, rhubarb is the one fruit (is it a fruit, really?) that I do not enjoy. In all the years I have tried it in various ways, it just seems like soggy, somewhat sour and slightly oddly sweet celery….. not pleasant to me.

The chocolates and cherries do took great too, though.


PipeTobacco said...

Ugh…. it should be “bloodies” in the above. I apologize.

PipeTobacco said...

Ugh, autocorrect did it again! “BLONDIES” is what I meant both times and typed both times!!

Kathy G said...

I hope that Zac's finds a way to accommodate that man's request, even if it can't happen every week.

Chris said...

I love cherries but that rhubarb and white chocolate cake looked lush.

Cop Car said...

Ah, now, the blondies and cherries look like food that I understand - and my mouth waters as they look delicious!