Thursday, July 25, 2024

A Tale Part 3

When I went to bed last night I noticed Spider 2 had taken Spider 1's place and appeared to be stuck, dangling in mid-air.

This morning there was no sign of Spider 2!

I can only conclude there is something luring innocent spiders to a fate of horrific proportions. I am not going to look behind or under the bedside cabinet. Anything that cunning will be too much for me to handle.

It's a wet grey day so here's a memory of a sunnier day.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Don't look under the bed either.

jabblog said...

. . . or under the pillow . . .

Chuck Pergiel said...

Spiders are like coyotes, they are looking for easy pickings. Once the easy pickings are gone they move on.

Boud said...

Lovely daisies, thank you. About the spiders, out of sight out of mind. Check your shoes. Oh right, not scorpions. Never mind.

Ann said...

I wouldn't go searching either. Some things you are better off just not knowing.
To answer your question from my blog, I was just using a regular fine tip pen when I did the fancy lettering. I have bought some markers that say they are specifically for calligraphy though.

acorn hollow said...

Such a pretty picture! The sun is finally out here.

Marie Smith said...

Hope it has a good life elsewhere.

Abby said...

I remember reading a statistic that, on average, we eat about 8 spiders a year in our sleep. Not that YOU ate 1 and/or 2...

miruspeg said...

And so the mystery continues...........