Wednesday, July 24, 2024

A Tale part 2

So I went upstairs armed with spider rescuing equipment only to find spider 1 has disappeared!

Spider 2 is still there. Is that a look of contentment I see on his face? Or am I reading too much into it? Is that even his face? Surely he couldn't have eaten the other one all in one go? 

* * * * *

Accompanying Husband for his appointment with the neurologist I am expecting fancy gadgets and high-tech machinery. Instead she uses her hand, a pen, and a little hammer to make her diagnosis.

I have to say I am rather glad it wasn't me doing the tests; I'd have been admitted immediately. How is anyone expected to lift one arm up and down, while the doctor does stuff with your other arm, at the same time asking you to do sums and recite the months of the year backwards.

The doctor was very thorough and is satisfied Husband's just a trembly old man. But to cover all bases she's sending him for a brain MRI. By the time all this is over the hospital will have photos of his entire inside.

Flowers on Caldey


Marie Smith said...

The visit to the neurologist must have been a relief. Hope the MRI can be done soon.

jabblog said...

It all sounds positive.

Boud said...

That sounds like the Neuro tests they sneak in in older people who might not be aware there are issues. When my regular doctor does the reflex tests, she stands at the side for the knee one! She told me she learned as a medical student never to stand in front of someone whose reflex, like mine, might get you in the face.

I'm glad she didn't find anything much amiss. With your husband, I mean.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Did you hear a tiny belch from Spider 2?

Ann said...

Sounds like some interesting testing. Hope all goes well with the MRI

Polly said...

I like spiders, but get a bit freaked if one is in my bedroom because I wonder what it's doing while I'm asleep! I hope all goes well with the MRI.

Anvilcloud said...

MRI ugh.