Friday, June 07, 2024

What does pride come before?

So I went indoors to have lunch, came back out, and found my rose arch falling over.

I had so wanted to do it by myself but I had to admit I needed help, and summoned The Master. 

Once he'd done the, "It's too flimsy; you should have bought something sturdier," bit he told me to untie all the roses I'd tied on before we moved the arch into the direction the roses wanted to go rather than trying to make them go in the direction I wanted them too. Then he fastened the arch to sturdy branches to secure it.

Once the roses are established I think they'll support the arch themselves. That's my theory anyway.

The sun was still shining when I headed off to Mumbles in the evening for the beacon lighting ceremony, part of the D-Day 80th anniversary commemorations. My oldest - in years we've known each other - friend, Maggie, was singing just before the beacon was lit. I knew she sang in a choir and some open mic events, but this was her first big public gig. And she had a sore throat! But she was great.

The event was held in the Castle Field. Swansea Yarnbombers had made a cascade of poppies.

* * * * *
Called into the library this afternoon to get some books for myself and to read to the grandchildren in Italy. The children's library was nosier than usual as the local knit and natter group was in. I told them about Boud's group in New Jersey and asked if I could take photos of their work. While reluctant to be in the picture themselves they were all happy to show their work. 

Bottom left will be a jacket; bottom right a tank top. Plus several baby woollies, Peter Rabbit, and a completed jacket.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

The Swansea Yarnbombers' poppy cascade makes for a very moving tribute!

I love your expression "knit and natter group" -- over here we use the term "stitch and bitch group."

Boud said...

The D-Day ceremony is beautiful, especially the powerful cascade of poppies.

And the knitting group, yay!!! Yes, knitter's rarely want to appear, but they like to share their work. These are wonderful. Stitches across the ocean.

Liz Hinds said...

Debra, the ladies mentioned stitch and bitch but said they weren't like that!

Thought you'd like it, Boud.

jabblog said...

I hope the arch remains upstanding now. It will be lovely, covered in roses.

Ann said...

Those knitting projects are pretty impressive. I could never get the hang of knitting. I can crochet very basic projects.

Anvilcloud said...

That looks like a good observance.