Tuesday, June 11, 2024

What do slugs eat?

Walking with Daughter this morning when she mentioned some passion cake she'd tasted recently. It sounded good so I considered making it for Zac's tonight.
Problem: didn't have the ingredients.

Okay so back to original idea of date flapjacks.
Problem: didn't have orange juice, which is quite important.

Husband mentioned how much milk we have at the moment and perhaps we could have rhubarb crumble and custard. That reminded me of rhubarb and custard cupcakes, but they didn't need milk.

But flicking through the recipe book I came across an old-school recipe for coconut jam sandwich. What clinched it for me was the fact I had exactly the right size tin. That never happens; I always have to adjust quantities to suit my tins.

So I set about making it. The first layer is a sort of pastry base. I mixed it up and then tried to "press the mixture into the tin."

I squished and pushed, with my fingers and with a spatula, and this was the best I could do. I double-checked the tin size in the book; then I double-checked my tin size. Exactly the same.

"Perhaps it will spread as it cooks." It didn't.

I had plenty of topping though so the end result is a lot thicker and bumpier than it should be.
Not enough to take to Zac's so I made Vivien's sticky ginger cake as well.
On reflection I should have persevered more with the base but as Shirley Conran famously said, "Life's too short to squish pastry." And I've had a weeny sample and it's not that impressive anyway.

Then I did the ironing I've been meaning to do for days. As I was ironing our duvet cover I thought, "I've never really liked this. Why did I buy it?"

Presumably because it was on special offer. Well, I am going to treat myself and buy a new cover. I think nothing of buying new covers for the children's beds that are used only very occasionally but somehow buying one for us, one that will be used a lot, seems wasteful.

* * * * *
Often of a morning I see a slug trail across our lounge carpet. I can't work out where it's coming in or going to. I suspect it's living inside our sofa. One day we will go to sit on the sofa and it will collapse under us as Sluggy has eaten all its insides. 

What do slugs eat? Apart from my hydrangea and dahlias. He must be living on something.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I bet that slug is nice and fat from all the good eats at your place!

Boud said...

Have you tracked the slug back to the kitchen?? There's good stuff there.

Ann said...

I'm picturing a little slug home inside your couch.

jabblog said...

Slugs seem to get everywhere, little devils!