Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Very quick update

Husband came home this afternoon!

He was finally found a bed at about 3.00 am but then discharged at lunchtime. His blood results are going in the right direction. He will go back for an outpatient check-up in a week or so. 

He came home, at about 5.00 after waiting for his medication, had a bath, and went to bed. 

So thankful to the NHS staff, my doctor friend, Ffion, and all of you for your good wishes.


Ole phat Stu said...

So they sent him home rather than give him a bed for 12 hours?

Marie Smith said...

So glad to hear this news! May he feel better every day!

Boud said...

I expect just being home helps his recovery. It's a real bed, and it's quieter.

Cathy said...

That’s good to hear. He’ll feel much better at home - and be able to tell you to turn the light out !

jabblog said...

Good to hear.

Bob said...

Sounds like he has the bed from 3am til lunchtime, then waited until 5pm for medication. Glad to hear he is on the mend.

Ann said...

Happy to hear that he was able to go home

Sue in Suffolk said...

Good news - much easier to rest and get well at home

Abby said...

Yay, great news!

Anvilcloud said...

I'm a day late but cheers anyway.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good news indeed!

Cop Car said...

Thanks for the updates.