Monday, June 24, 2024

Not as good as hoped

Thank you again for all your good wishes and prayers. Husband's blood levels in regard to the chest infection are improving but his liver is deteriorating. So not home today but more blood tests and scans tomorrow to try and work out why. 

He is still in a recliner chair but two men in the room were moved to beds this evening so we are hoping one day Husband might get a bed too! While sitting all day and sleeping at night in a chair is pretty bad it's made worse by the fact the lights don't go out. They are motion sensor lights so everyone in the room is issued with an eye mask.

The things people will do to get out of celebrating their 46th wedding anniversary!


Boud said...

What a cute couple! Happy annie! I hope he gets home to celebrate in comfort.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I love your wedding photo -- oh, so young then, eh? Happy Anniversary!

I hope your husband gets a proper bed soon too. Although there is no WORSE place to get a good night's sleep than in a hospital -- damn near impossible with all the lights, noise and interruptions all night.

He's in the right place for figuring out what's up with his liver and hopefully they'll figure that out soon and treat it so he can go home.

Angela said...

❤️🙏 Lovely wedding Photo!

Kathy G said...

Just think how wonderful the anniversary celebration will be when you get to it.

Marie Smith said...

You have both been on my mind! The lack of rooms/beds in the hospital is the same here. Oh my, prayers for a bed/room and improvement physically!

CherryPie said...

Lovely wedding photo

I hope hubbie is better soon xx

jabblog said...

Hospitals are not the most restful places, even in a bed. I hope one is available soon for your husband, or else that he is soon discharged and then able to rest more comfortably at home.

Ann said...

So sorry to hear your husband is still in the hospital.
Love the wedding picture.

Anvilcloud said...

Although I tend to choose aa recliner over a bed, it would also depend on the recliner, and I can imagine the hospital variation. This situation has gone on too long IMO. All the best.

Abby said...

Sorry he's not quite out of the woods... or the recliner.
Nice photo. Happy 46th!

Polly said...

Your wedding photo is beautiful.