Friday, June 14, 2024

Very odds and ends

A sweatshirt in a charity shop was £25; a dress there was £18. I remember when charity shops were cheap places to shop.

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Exotic birds seem to be the theme for bedding this year. I have been seduced by Natural History Museum's Tropical Kaleidoscope. 

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All the polls suggest the Tories are in for a thumping defeat. We can but hope. What amazes me is that anyone at all would vote for them after their performance/behaviour/corruption/shambles of the last years. Slightly more worrying is that one poll put Reform, the far right party that has no policies, no manifesto, and is built on Hideous Nigel Farage and racism, above the Tories in the polls. The only thing we can hope is that they are splitting the Tory vote. And that after the election both parties will shrink into nothingness.

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Yesterday was the coldest wettest most miserable June day I can remember. In the evening we had the fire on and I was wearing three jumpers.

Hopefully next week I will have more time for blog visiting. Right now it's time for Welsh and then bed.


Chris said...

Ie gwylb iawn yma hyfed!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

From what I can see from over here, the Tories have done immeasurable harm to Britain and seem completely incompetent.

Kathy G said...

Re prices in charity shops-I think so many people were buying/flipping merchandise the charities realized they could raise their prices. That generates more money for their mission (good) but makes things less affordable (bad).

Boud said...

I certainly hope whoever gets in organizes better weather.

jabblog said...

Just don't encourage the Greens with their anti-semitic attitudes and weird ideas.

It's a poor choice, wherever you look.

Ann said...

Apparently charity begins at home

Sue in Suffolk said...

Your Red Hazel on your last post could get HUGE - but can be forgiven as it looks so good.

Liz Hinds said...

Mae'r tywydd yn ddiflas, Chris!

Debra, yet people will still vote for them!

True, Kathy. Wouldn't that be good, Boud. If they could organise that I'd vote for them.

as long as we get rid of the Tories, Janice.

Yep, Ann.

Oh dear, Sue. I cannot work out where to put it.

Anvilcloud said...

However your political parties go, I hope the most rational and trustworthy one wins.

Marie Smith said...

Charity shop prices have gone up a lot!