Thursday, June 06, 2024


I know it wasn't that hard but Husband's always done anything at all like that. Now I'm trying to be more capable, and I feel a huge sense of achievement having completed it. And put it up.
Last year I noticed that the rambling rose from behind the bushes was falling over the path. "What we need is an arch to train the branches over" I said. "Think how lovely it will be to walk underneath an arch of sweet-smelling roses." (If you can smell that is.)

"Hm," Husband said. No doubt he thought I'd forget but I didn't. I researched and ordered an arch, albeit cheap but with good reviews just in case it was a disaster, and now I've erected it. I deserve chocolate.

This side of the arch is a cistus bush. Its flowers only last one day - you can see all the previous days' petals on the floor - but they keep coming.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

"I am woman, hear me roar" -- you did a great job!

Boud said...

Well done you! You must feel very accomplished now. Next you need your own power tools.

jabblog said...

Well done. You'll feel a sense of accomplishment every time you see your beautiful roses climbing the arch.

Ann said...

Awesome job. Way to go!! I've put several things together on my own since my husband passed away. I feel so accomplished.