Friday, June 21, 2024

One of those nights

You don't usually get posts from me at half past eleven at night but this is turning into one of those nights.

The blood tests results didn't arrive before the surgery closed but Husband can access them online. Some of them are pretty crazy. He called 111 for advice and they said a doctor would call him back. 

Meanwhile I messaged one of my young doctor friends and asked her advice. Showed her blood test results and she said she would want him to be seen tonight, even if that meant going to A&E. It got to 10.30 pm and no call so I called 111 again. I explained the situation more clearly and she agreed to move him up priority order. 

Soon after the GP called. Result is that Elder Son is just taking him to the hospital out-of-hours GP surgery for an appointment at half past midnight.

Elder Son insisted on taking him even though I said I could. Thing is Younger Son and family are due to arrive here around somewhere between 1.00 and 2.00 am.

Like I said, one of those nights.


PipeTobacco said...

Oh no!!!! Will be keeping you both in thoughts and prayers! I hope the ailment is easy to treat and he can be back feeling good swiftly.


Boud said...

I'm glad your son can get him in. Younger son can manage , and if you need both of them, good, they're there.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I hope everything turns out well. Thinking of you all.

Marie Smith said...

Thinking of you both and hope it all turns out ok.

Sue in Suffolk said...

Oh my goodness, hope all will be OK by this morning

Cathy said...

It’s a few hours since you posted so hopefully all was sorted during the night. Having both boys there will be a comfort for you … and your man -(their dad?)

Ann said...

Oh no, that is one one of those nights. Sending good thoughts that everything works out ok

Anvilcloud said...

Oh dear. I do hope this sounds much worse than it really is.

Abby said...

Ooh, this is concerning to read. I'm glad you've got your sons there to help out. Take care of yourself.

Polly said...

I hope A&E sorted out the problem and I hope your husband is getting better. Take care.

jabblog said...

You really shouldn't have to poke people to get a reasonable response. I hope the outcome will be favourable and your husband returns to good health. Thank goodness your family is close by.