Thursday, June 06, 2024

I can do this

You have faith in me, don't you?

Hope it's more successful than the meeting I was supposed to be attending this morning on TEAMS. 

I've never used TEAMS before so asked my children. They told me it was like zoom and I needed a link and password. I didn't have those so emailed the office to ask for them. Then they told me the meeting had been postponed. 

Looking after grandchildren last night so, as it was a lovely evening, I took them down to the pier before bedtime. We had ice cream and played in the arcade. We did not go on the Big Wheel.

I told myself if the boys wanted to go on it I would be brave - but they didn't so that was even better.

* * * * *
You may remember that the magazine I wrote for, The Bay, ceased publication before Christmas when the owners retired. I think I also told you I have a gig writing for a new Gower community magazine. 

This is the link to the June issue and my first article is on page 28, should you be interested.


Marie Smith said...

Thanks for the link, Liz. I will check it out.

jabblog said...

Nice article :-)

Boud said...

One door closes and you fling open another! Good going.

Anvilcloud said...

I would have no interest in being on a Ferris wheel at this point in life.

Kathy G said...

Your TEAMS meeting sounds like the best type-postponed!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I enjoyed your article, Liz -- and the wee photo of you and George!

Ann said...

Love that blue sky in the pictures.
Thanks for the link, I'll go check it out.