Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Twas on a Tuesday morning


Wearing black and white to yesterday's funeral was a good choice: it was a very black funeral. I must remember to tell my children again that I want colour at mine. 

Over seven hours in the car yesterday travelling to Derby and back for quite an unusual funeral. It was my sister-in-law's partner's funeral and it was unusual because the service included a very long essay he'd written about himself. About his childhood, and his first marriage, and his children and grandchildren, and how much he'd loved my sister-in-law's villa in Cyprus. And he'd chosen Unforgettable as the song to accompany the photo memory show.

The food in the pub afterwards was nice though and it was good for Husband to see his sisters and family. 

What was good about the journey though was the state of the verges on the motorways. I don't know if it was because of No-Mow-May or if the authorities are saving money or if they never mow the verges, but they were full of tall daises, and pink flowers over the heads of the valleys roads, and generally lovely to see. Which was just as well as we had plenty of time over the heads of the valleys where they are doing a major new road scheme. The sign warned "9 miles in 30 minutes" and they weren't joking.


Because I'd forgotten to make up a new study leader rota and it had finished, I offered to lead bible study last night, and to do the meditation I'd prepared and not used a few weeks ago.

I was uncertain how it would go but it was okay and drew out someone who never usually talks, about how much he had changed since becoming a Christian, and how thankful he was. He was the first to admit he still had a long way to go, but when I asked the group if they were satisfied with where they were (in spiritual terms) there was a resounding, "No!"

It was all very encouraging.

Then, just before she left, Joy, the very shy lady whose 40th wedding anniversary we celebrated a while ago, came up to me and handed me a thank you gift, for the cake and celebration. It was a beautiful rosebud vase and plaque.

I was very touched.

* * * * *

We've been having trouble with our shower drain getting blocked for ages. At one point Husband took it apart and fitted new bits but soon the problem began again. It was getting so bad it was reaching flooding point. 

I asked Husband - several times - to have a look at it, and even suggested 'getting a man in'. He said, "No, no, I'll do it."

The problem continued and remained undone. So yesterday I called the drain man. As it happened Husband was at the dentist at the time. Also as it happened the drain man was in the area and could pop along shortly. 

He came, he saw, he fixed, and was gone before Husband came back from the dentist. (The new bit Husband had fitted left very little room for gunge - soap and hair - to get past so it was simply blocking the water's escape.)

Then I just had to break the news gently to Husband. He was not impressed. "I was going to look at that!"


Anvilcloud said...

I was pleased to read your description of the verges. On the fringes of town I came across a street with a fabulous display of wildflowers. We I returned the following year to take some more photos, they were mowing it. I was was unimpressed and disappointed.

Boud said...

Where did my post go? Again? Spam?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

What a lovely gift from Joy! I know you'll put that rosebud vase to good use with all the lovely roses you have in your garden.

Ann said...

Why is it that husband are always "going to do that" but never actually do anything? My ex husband would be out of the house in a split second if someone called and asked for his help but if I were to ask him to do something I always got the I'll get around to it answer for months on end.

Janie Junebug said...

When my ex-husband dies, which will be long before I die, I will wear a red dress to his funeral with a rainbow scarf, a red hat, and some colorful shoes. What a celebration it will be!
