Sunday, June 09, 2024

Do I come here often?

And there's more.

Husband trying to get the remaining wire mesh out from the bush. Then I have two old headboards that will have to go up when the dogs visit to cut off some escape routes. The one the foxes and visiting cats use, though, will be still be a temptation for them.

(I wrote bedheads originally but Google said it was an unknown word. And is still saying it's an unknown word.)

Our roses at the front have gone very long and stalky. I've taken some photos and will ask on the gardening forum what the best thing to do is. They still have lovely roses but I can't reach them! there is also a rogue rose - a runner do you call it? - that has sprung up behind one of the bushes. I think you're supposed to chop them off but this is flowering and very pretty so we'll see what it does.

* * * * *

There used to be an early morning breakfast show on the radio presented by Terry Wogan. I used to listen when the children were getting ready for school, and then later when I was getting ready for work. He had this 'thing' where he called his faithful listeners, Terry's Old Geezers or TOGs, and loved to hear stories from them. I think they even did annual meet-ups. 

If he broadcast their letter lucky listeners would receive a highly-prized sweatshirt or mug. One year I wrote in to tell him I'd just reached ,my birthday and realised I was a year younger than I'd been thinking all year. 

I forgot all about my email until a parcel arrived in the post bringing me one of said sweatshirts. I only listened intermittently so had no idea my story had been broadcast. I don't know exactly when that was but the show finished in 2009 and Sir Terry died in 2016. He seemed to be a genuinely lovely man. 

So I've had my jumper for some time and now it's been demoted to gardening wear.


Boud said...

Head and foot of the bed? They're words! Bedhead is a word, whatever Google says. The headboard is placed at the bedhead. Anyway, back to your actual point.

Anvilcloud said...

I highlighted your bedheads, right-clicked and got this.

Hair with an untidy appearance, such as results from lying in bed"

So I guess it is pretty legit. I've certainly head it and probably used it.

jabblog said...

Bedhead is fine - what do dictionaries know?

Ann said...

Google just thinks it knows everything.