Sunday, June 23, 2024

A better day

Thank you everyone. Prayers and antibiotics worked a treat: Husband is much better this evening. They have concluded it is a lung infection/pneumonia, and if he continues to improve he may come home tomorrow. He has eaten a little and stopped the severe trembling.

He is still in a reclining chair. The room he is in looks as though it were a consulting room, with a curtain at halfway and a small sink. Sadly today it is being used to house four patients on recliners.

The NHS is wonderful. Doctors and nurses are wonderful. It's the fault of the pathetic and scheming Tory government that such conditions now exist. 

Compared with stories of heart attack victims who've died on a trolley, Husband's story isn't too bad, but it is bad. It's shocking and deplorable and I feel nothing but contempt for the government. The next government has to do whatever it takes to improve the NHS. I've always been a supporter of the NHS but something this close to home and personal is a real wake-up call. It has to be a top priority.

But thank you again. We will all sleep better tonight.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

That's good news! I'm sure everyone is very much relieved!

Boud said...

Thanks so much for coming in and giving us better news. Your husband will be glad to get home into a real bed.

Marie Smith said...

Great news on the recovery front. Continued improvement, I pray!

acorn hollow said...

I am so glad that your husband is improving. He will be so happy to be home soon

Angela said...

Good hear ofoimprovements, praying he's fully recovered soon

Sue in Suffolk said...

Good News - home to a proper bed hopefully ASAP

jabblog said...

Good to hear he's improving.
The NHS needs to be reorganised from top to bottom. Successive governments, of whatever stripe, have done little to address the problem.

Ann said...

That is great news.

Anvilcloud said...

Tories and health care have about the same relationship here.

Anonymous said...

Having spent months at a time sleeping in recliners, I’m thinking that your husband may immediately buy one - if he has none now.
Happy to hear of his improving state.

Ole phat Stu said...

We know that antibiotics work but.....