Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Return of the Living Death


Duly injected. Much less painful than having the shingles one last week. Maybe different nurses are better at it. Shall wait and see if it starts to ache.

Nurse also answered my question: yes, the doctor did refer me to the NHS audiologist. Will have a long wait though. 


Last night we celebrated Joy's birthday in Zac's.

This morning I have done a quick tidy of the study. Not a thorough clean, just enough to stop being grumpy about the mess. And if I am grumpy about a mess you can tell it must be a serious mess.

Waiting for Husband to come back from the gym so I can go to Zac's and cook. My arm following my injection is still much less sore than last week's. In bed I could lie on that side if I re-arranged my arm but had to do it carefully.

What else? Oh yes, gardening on Sunday and the dreaded convolulus is starting to show its face. 
At least in the rose bed I can see it as soon as it appears now I've cleared the bed of everything that was getting in the way but the raspberries provide perfect cover for its nefarious* growth. 
A few years ago I wrote an article for The Bay about the problems of convolvulus, and I had more comments on that than on any other article I wrote. Everyone hates it. Yes, it has pretty flowers but at what expense?

* * * * *
I finished reading The Twits to my Italian grandbabies last night. I read the first bit over two weeks ago and then busyness and sore throats got in the way and I wasn't able to pick it up until this week. I asked them if they remembered what had happened and GrandSon3 reeled it off perfectly. In fact he remembered more than I did. He loves his stories, which makes me so happy.

* * * * *
Book launch and follow-up book blog blitz less successful than I might have hoped. I am going to have to accept that I am writing and publishing for my own satisfaction. It doesn't cost anything to publish - or at least to make it available - apart from my sanity. But as Poe said, "Sanity is over-rated."

I have another completed novel plus the ghost-written memoir I'm still waiting to get signed off - must nudge the subject and remind him - yes, I'll do that first.

This is why I write a blog. It helps me think. It also empties my brain and makes space for more useless information.

* Is nefarious the right word? Must look it up. Yes, it is.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Joy looks like she's having fun blowing out the candles on her cake!

Ann said...

Joys birthday cake looks delicious.

Kathy G said...

I'm glad to hear that the injection went as well as could be expected.

Chris said...

My next jab is soon, yes some hurt like 'billio' after. Convolvulus gets everywhere but evidently if you just keep cutting it of it goes in time.