Monday, May 27, 2024

Now I keep thinking it's Friday

Because the place that usually does Mondays for food service has decided to close on Bank Holidays Zac's decided to step in to fill the gap. We offered a reduced service where instead of a wide range of food to choose from it was: meat or veggie, with or without onions?

Plus fruit, chocolate car, soup, and hot or cold drink. Because it was our first time trying this we didn't get the usual numbers so lots of people had two or three, or even four hot dogs. I really wanted one but my tummy had been aching all morning - and still is - so I resisted. (Except I did eat one sausage on its own.)

The church that did Saturdays has also closed temporarily because one guest threatened to cut the throat of one of the volunteers. Because of limited space we at Zac's can only offer service from the hatch so we don't have people inside, and we very rarely get any trouble anyway.


Anvilcloud said...

I hope that other situation is settled soon and well.

Boud said...

Pretty brave to step in there.

Ann said...

Oh my, that would be quite scary getting a threat like that.