Monday, May 13, 2024

Check the list

I didn't laze on a lace-covered ottoman, nor did I clean the toilet. I went for a walk with Elder Son instead.

Time with Daughter and family at the beach on Saturday, time with Elder Son and GrandSon3 in the woods on Sunday. I love my life.

The only thing missing is Younger Son and family. 

I have accepted their move to Italy (three years now!) and love my Italian holidays but I'll never stop wishing they lived nearby. 

* * * * *

After weather fit for a sea swim on Saturday we've returned to what has sadly become the norm: wet and cold and miserable. It really can't go on like this much longer. We must be due for some prolonged sunshine soon.

But it gives me an excuse to sit down and do a jigsaw, my first for ages.

* * * * *

Husband dressed for the gym this morning, went downstairs, and realised he'd forgotten his shorts. He was still in his boxers.

I am thinking of sticking a checklist next to the front door.

Are you dressed?
Zipped up (Husband)?
Have you got your keys/phone/wallet?
Do you know where you are going?


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Still in his boxers, LOL! An easy mistake to make.

Chris said...

Wet here too, but we wanted it to settle in the plants we planted yesterday, so you can blame us!!

Boud said...

I'm glad he didn't get any further! Your time does sound lovely. And the son who's chosen Italy, good for him, you can visit.

Terra said...

It sounds like you are enjoying yourself even in weather without much sun. That would be a bit sad to have a son living in Italy, maybe he will return. My sons live in the same town as I do where they grew up. Yes, a note near the front door might be good, ha ha.

Ann said...

LOL Oh my, good thing he didn't make it to the gym in just his boxers. Then again, he may have started a new fad.

Anvilcloud said...

Our weather seems to be more or less like yours. We're having a good rain AGAIN this Tuesday morning.