Tuesday, May 21, 2024

By the hair on my chinny chin chin

I start preparing bible study. I write one sentence then remember I have two annoying hairs on my chin that I have to remove right now!
Then I recall something else I need to do.
It's no wonder prepping takes me so long!

I'm going to do something different tonight in Zac's. It's a bit scary but if the vicar can lead a meditation for a crowd of prison inmates I should be able to do it for the Zac's crew. I just don't know what their response will be. Some I know will love it, but some may be silly, and it needs a peaceful quiet atmosphere. So we'll see. 

Part of the reason for doing it, aside from the fact it was very good, is that I'm getting bored with this letter to the Hebrews. Nobody knows who wrote it and I originally put forward the case for a woman author. I've changed my mind now.

The writer is making a point - telling Jews who converted to Christianity but are now being persecuted and beginning to drift back into old Jewish traditions - that Jesus is superior to all the old ways of doing things. So the writer lists angels, sacrifices, prophets, priests, etc and each time uses basically the same arguments, which boil down to Jesus is better. 

I've been in meetings with men who've heard someone express a point of view and who have then gone on to give exactly the same opinion but in a different way. And, yes, they've usually been men. Hence my conclusion that the writer of the letter to Hebrews is a man.

By the way, how does Jesus make his coffee?
He brews it! 

So, anyway, I'm going to scurry through chapter 8 - why the new covenant is better than the old - and then lead a meditation.

And there are another five chapters to go!

I gave in and made some palmiers. Very simple and tasty.


jabblog said...

Dear me, you've got quite a task on hand!

Anvilcloud said...

When I read I also run my fingers over my ears. I have to get out the tweezers and pluck.

Kathy G said...

I have so many chin and upper lip hairs I've taken to using an electric razor on them.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Your "Angel Wings" palmiers look delicious! But I think that top one may have belonged to Lucifer as he "wandered vaguely downwards," to use Neil Gaiman's expression.

Boud said...

I like your textual analysis! Same old idea, different words, musta been a man!

Liz Hinds said...

Debra, some were definitely demonic side!

Ann said...

I just hate those pesky chin hairs.

Ole phat Stu said...

Surely your headline is a quote from "three little pigs". But I do not understand why you do not follow up and make any inference from that????

Anonymous said...

and Leviticus 19:27 ???

PipeTobacco said...

Hah! I like Lev 19:27!

PipeTobacco said...

I let my hair grow wherever it chooses. :)