Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Sexy tea?

Over on Debra's blog she has lots of funnies about coffee. I commented that I feel the same about tea. The trouble is that tea isn't as sexy as coffee. (Everything is considered sexy or not these days I find regardless of whether it has any actual sexual connotation.)

So I thought I'd have a google and see what I could find.

Aah, that's nice.


Then these are the 'sexiest' I could find.
The best tea is.


What the thinking people drink!


jabblog said...

Nice:-) During WWII the British government bought all the available tea as a way of keeping up troop morale.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Great meme post! I like tea too but coffee's caffeine punch is what I need to kickstart me in the morning.

Anonymous said...

Is tea sexier than coffee? Yes.
Coffee comes in 22 varieties but tea in 69 ;-)

Boud said...

I like the hierarchy!

Kathy G said...

Both drinks have their purpose in my life. I start the day with coffee at breakfast, and end it after dinner with a cup of (usually herbal) tea.

Chuck Pergiel said...

Tea is funny. Maybe because my nose isn't that sensitive. I drink iced tea when I go out for lunch. The flavor is very subtle, it's not much different from water, but it is different. And then there's hot tea at Chinese restaurants. I'll usually have three or four cups. I don't understand why I drink so much of it.

Ann said...

These days I drink more coffee than tea. There are times though when a cup of tea is called for.