Monday, March 11, 2024

The warping of inches

How is it that something that measures 5x8 in one program doesn't measure 5x8 in another? Why, when a program gives you a template to which you stick rigidly, is the final product misaligned?

Yes, I'm back in the self-publishing business. I ordered a proof copy of my book and didn't like the way the cover fitted so have spent the morning fiddling so that it looks perfect . . . until it's put into the publishing bit. Where it's out of place again.

I've done the best I can. I am stopping.

All this self-publishing nonsense fades into nothingness though compared to the good news that Husband went for a scan this morning to check if the cancer in his ear had spread and it's all clear! Yay, yay, and a yeah yay!


Debra She Who Seeks said...

So glad that cancer's gone! Good news indeed!

jabblog said...

Such good news for you both:-)

Marie Smith said...

Great news for hubby! Yay! Do happy for you both.

Boud said...

I think your spam must have a build-up of my posts. Today I was very excited about the good health news. It appeared here now it's vanished with the others.

Kathy G said...

Whoo Hoo! Cancer free!

Ann said...

Great news about your husband.