Monday, March 11, 2024

Hope is a terrible thing

Do you know, I do more tidying in the hour before the cleaner comes than I do in the rest of the week?

Anyway, International Women's Day, Mother's Day, all passed in a bit of a blur. Had two grandsons for a sleepover on Saturday night. All well-behaved and good fun. I don't think I even completed two rounds of the board on Junior Monopoly before being bankrupted. I'll never be an entrepreneur.

Mother's Day breakfast consisted of a hazelnut and chocolate croissant and a share of an ordinary croissant. Lunch was delicious chocolate biscuits (present from Elder Son and family, see below), and dinner was curry and cake at Elder Son's house. I know how to live. 

All good apart from the afternoon's rugby interlude. I expected France to beat Wales so that would have been okay, but two-thirds of the way through and Wales were winning, thus raising my hopes. Sadly soon to be quashed.

So four games played and four games lost in this championship. Unless Wales beat Italy in the final game next week we'll get the wooden spoon. But, as everyone says, we're rebuilding, it's a young team, and they've definitely shown promise for the future.

It looks like another busy week ahead. I vaguely recall sometime over the weekend determining to be more . . . something. Focused, dynamic, on the ball. We shall see.

In other news Oppenheimer has won loads of Oscars, and several major news agencies have 'killed' a photo of Princess Catherine and her children, alleging it has been photoshopped. Like many people with an ambivalence towards the Royal Family I've been drawn into the wormhole of conspiracy. It's amazing the ideas people come up with.

Flowers from Elder Son and family

The tin containing the biscuits - so beautiful I will have to keep it but very thin so not sure what for!


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Sounds like you had a marvelous Mother's Day!

Boud said...

That sounds like a nice Mothering Sunday for you. I expect you'll find some great use for the box. Bits of string too short to save?

jabblog said...

Tins are rarely deep enough to be of much use and it's such a shame when they are often so lovely.
I used to clean before the cleaner came, then we stopped having a cleaner and now nothing gets cleaned - well, not very often, anyway.

Ann said...

What pretty flowers Glad you had a nice mother's day