Thursday, March 14, 2024

The realisation that a I is better than I am

Spent some time this morning creating promotion artwork, which sounds grander than it is. On reflection I'm not particularly pleased with the result. Maybe I should get AI to do it instead!

I don't know where authors find the time to keep up with the ongoing promoting. Apart from anything else I worry about boring people. (I mean I worry that I might bore people rather than worrying generally about people who are boring.)

And here's the AI version.
Looks much more fun!


Kathy G said...

In either version the purple is attractive, but I agree that the action shot in the generated one is compelling.

Boud said...

It's like being a one man band. Boring people? I give them a miss. Oh, I see.

Abby said...

I actually like the little pink bus. Running girl has two left feet?

jabblog said...

Abby's eye for detail is very good. I can't unsee the two left feet now!

Ann said...

Is there a reason the girl only has one shoe on? Is that just another AI quirk?