Thursday, March 14, 2024


Just saw something on Boud's blog about a misinterpreted sign and it reminded me of the light that occasionally comes on in the car.

Now what does that say to you?

The fact that it comes on occasionally makes me think I must be doing something wrong, probably to do with not staying in my own lane. But I take care to do that and check I am doing it when the light comes on - which I seem to be.

While I'm in the car I think, "I must look that up," but as soon as I get home I forget about it, so thank you, Boud, for reminding me today.

I went through all the Mini sites; not one refers to an icon like it. They do say, however, that green lights mean something is working as it should. So that's something but not enough.

Husband came into the room at that point and seeing my frustration dug out the manual. 

It seems that it means a road line has been detected. That's all. I assume it changes to red if you go over it. No, that can't be right because you often have to cross lines to do all sorts of things and it's never gone red. Or beeped frantically, and, trust me, Minitoo gets into a panic very easily.

So it's just a pointless icon. 

And talking about pointless: advertising promotions that don't offer an easy link to Amazon are pretty pointless too. See? I really am bad at this stuff.

And again, talking about pointless, Richard Osman used to be co-host on the show. Today an old piece he wrote has resurfaced. It's a love letter to Wales. And very lovely and true it is too.


Boud said...

Thanks for the shout-out. I have signals in my car that I can't interpret, and that seem to contradict each other. Auto bickering.

Anvilcloud said...

My older beater does not have these strange icons.

Ann said...

I hate when those lights come on and I can't figure out what they mean