Tuesday, March 05, 2024

Patent pending

Minitoo, like most modern cars I guess, beeps when you're getting close to something when reversing. Beeps very loudly and frantically. Nerve-wreckingly loudly. Basically she panics far more than is necessary.

So I have come up with a better system. 

A few years ago, in a charity shop, I bought a squeaky rubber pig. I think it's meant to be a dog toy but the children and I all enjoy making it oink. So here's my invention.

Not only would the pigs squeak if you bumped into anything they'd also protect you from damage. Ingenious eh? Can't imagine why no-one has thought of it before.

Extra bonus is that you could have whatever animal you wanted custom-made. I wonder if I should take my idea to Dragons' Den and see if they'll give me money for a prototype. I don't see how they could resist it. 

Of course, it wouldn't necessarily have to be an animal: it could be as simple or as fancy as you wanted. You could have a pretend bomb that went boom, or a lion that roared, or one with a personalised sound. I could have Husband saying, "You silly woman!"

The sky is the limit. 


acorn hollow said...

funny idea I think it would be even more fun to see what each person chose as their bumper.

jabblog said...

Great idea. We currently have a pink pig and a purple hippopotamus, but the latter has lost his oink (do hippos oink?)

Ann said...

I rather like your idea. I don't know if I would go with the pig or something else.

Boud said...

I'm up for a row of barking terriers.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Whoopie cushions for me, please!

Kathy G said...

It would be lovely to see the variety on the streets.

Anonymous said...

Effigies of politicians?

Marie Smith said...

Smile! Great idea! You are so creative!