Saturday, March 30, 2024

The cross and AI

Husband shopped, and has cooked all week. One of the best things about that, apart from having dinner cooked for me, is that I don't eat so much cheese.

When I'm preparing dinner I "have a little nibble of cheese to keep me going," and, of course, a little nibble turns into a big nibble. So win win.

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I've been yawning all day so goodness knows what I'll be like tomorrow when the clocks go forward.

We've been watching The Gentlemen on Netflix. It's typical Guy Richie: very gory but with great characters and lots of humour. And on lazy afternoons when I persuade myself that relaxing isn't a waste, I'm catching up on The Durrells. Such lovely gentle viewing in a wonderful setting.

Another lovely walk this afternoon. Slightly damp but good to get out. Shame about all the other people with the same idea.

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And the thought of AI might raise concerns for various reasons but it's jolly useful for creating little things like this:

Using Canva I asked it to create images from "Easter cross crowds of people". The picture above is psychedelic style. In the picture below, top right, it's stained glass style, top left, dreamy, bottom left, 3D, bottom right colour pencil.

I find Canva - and AI - very useful for producing promotional material for my book - which I have ignored this week having been taken up with other stuff. And this is why I'll never be a best-selling author. (Well, one reason anyway!)

I've used it a bit to accompany my words on the Zac's Facebook page. I've tried to post Things Jesus Said every day during Lent, except Sundays when I've posted a song. I missed a few days but managed to come up with something mostly.

There's no record of anything Jesus said on Easter Saturday, on account of him being dead, so today I noted Some Things Jesus Didn't Say.
Don't come to me if you're a thief.
Don't come to me if you've committed adultery.
Don't come to me if you're a cheat.
Don't come to me if you have doubts.
Don't come to me if you don't know all the answers.
Don't come to me if you're unreliable.
Don't come to me if you've broken your word.
Don't come to me if you're not from round here.
Don't come to me if you're a woman wanting respect.
Don't come to me if you're rich.
And I'll add,
Don't come to me until you're clean.
Don't come to me if you're gay.
Don't come to me if you haven't said the sinner's prayer.
What Jesus did say is, "𝙇𝙚𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙬𝙝𝙤 𝙞𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙮 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚."


Kathy G said...

Lovely graphics and thoughts. What is the 'sinner's prayer'?

Chris said...

Like you we find the holiday weekend crowds are tooooo much so avoid going out, altho' hubby went with his daughter and son in law for a walk to Newton beach and it wasn't too crowded. Every Blessing Liz for Easter.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I enjoyed watching The Durrells series when it was shown here on PBS. I've always loved the books on which the series is based too.

Ann said...

Always nice to have someone else cook for you. I like all your graphics. I like creating those with Bing AI

jabblog said...

I enjoyed your graphics. I will have to investigate . . .