Friday, March 15, 2024

Observant? Moi?

I've had this bible ten years. 

Today I noticed it has a cross on the front.

* * * * *

I made Nigel Slater's pork with cashews, lime and mint for dinner tonight.

It didn't look like the picture . . .
but it tasted okay. But not enough to warrant the coughing and struggling for breath resulting from frying the chilli. It was extreme.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

No recipe ever truly looks like its food-styled, professionally lit photograph, does it!

Ann said...

I don't think my cooking ever looks like the recipe pictures. So long as it tasted good that's all that matters.

Boud said...

Food stylists use all kinds of lighting and lenses and inedible additives like gels and toothpicks, to get that illustration. Yours is probably much more like his original. Was it good? I like his recipes usui. Nice but not too elaborate.

Chris said...

My son did some photography work for a super market food catalogue and they use all sorts of things to make the food look glossy. I love my NIV, but its a bit battered being a soft cover.

jabblog said...

I'm sure your food tasted delicious. There's far too much fussy presentation, I think (being a GOW)
We grow chillies and everyone loves them, apart from me. They look pretty, though;-)

Marie Smith said...

That was an interesting recipe! Glad you both survived the chillies.

Abby said...

I confess to searching all over your bible cover for the cross. Then,oh geez...