Sunday, March 17, 2024

I've had a bad back

And I'm feeling sorry for myself!

It came on yesterday morning and was bad - by my standards - during the day. I was on ibuprofen and a hot water bottle. It's a bit better today so I'm hoping it will pass. For a few months I've had a very occasional tingling in my hip so I assume it's associated with that. A trapped nerve according to Dr Husband.

The pain in my back at least took my mind off the pain of Wales losing to Italy and winning the wooden spoon in the Six Nations Championship. 

* * * * *

Another highly-praised - "brilliant," "best book I've ever read," - novel failed to grab my attention. I did try but gave up and took it back to the library yesterday. And in the library on their Q-buster stand (new books you can only borrow for a week) I spotted The List of Suspicious Things.

Now this is another title that has been all over Twitter. I guess the publishers spent a lot of money on promoting it. Or it really is as amazing as they say. I will let you know when I've read it. 

* * * * *

And to celebrate St. Patrick's Day here are The Dubliners and The Pogues.


Boud said...

Sorry about the back pain. Maybe hip stretches will help?
Happy st Patrick's day! To a Welsh woman..

Debra She Who Seeks said...

A bad back is no fun at all -- I hope it's better soon!

Ann said...

Back pain is no fun. Hope it goes away soon. Dr. Husband won't send you a bill for his diagnosis will he?

Anvilcloud said...

Many things are not fun, and wonky backs are among them. I do have some experience with this. Sadly.