Saturday, March 09, 2024

As old as the hills or at least the valleys

With our weekly food order put away this morning and the risk of being knocked unconscious by a precariously-balanced bag of flour on the top shelf growing ever greater I decided it was time to sort out the pantry.

Now I am convinced it is not that long ago that I last did it. Dates on packets tell me otherwise.

I thought the packet of mustard seeds* with a best before date of 2013 was going to take the Oldest Thing In Pantry (Barring Liz) award but no.

Saffron from 2010 wins by a wide margin.

Especially frustrating as saffron is so expensive.

I have resolved** to not buy things on impulse, to check whether I already have stuff before buying it (do I really three jars of ground ginger or cinnamon?), and to not buy stuff that I know I'm only going to need a tiny bit of but will keep the rest, just in case, for ever. Or until I come to clear out the pantry again.

I love my pantry, and having a large food store space is wonderful but it's too easy to forget about items hidden away in the corner.

* I think I may have inherited the mustard seeds from Younger Son when he moved to Italy.

** How long do you think I will stick to my resolve?


Marie Smith said...

Liz, if you’re like me…a month or so…

Boud said...

I tend to rebuy things by accident. I leave them off the list, then, in the store, think, oh I forgot to list soandso, I'll just get some while I'm here. And get home to find I've done it again.

jabblog said...

Oh, dear, that is so familiar. I buy things 'just in case' and then regret it.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

When I need an unusual, unlikely to be used a lot, herb or spice, I try to just buy a small bit from the bulk bins if possible.

Liz Hinds said...

Glad I'm not the only one. I'll have to remember that idea, Debra. The bring-your-own jars shop will do that if they have what I need..

Tom said...

...I may be wrong, but many food items are good way past the use by date!

Kathy G said...

I don't know that herbs/spices really expire. They just lose potency (and I throw extra in my recipe to make up for it).

Liz Hinds said...

Tom, no, usually I'd agree but spices go stale quickly.

Abby said...

It's like an archeological dig, going through the pantry. What artifacts will be unearthed?
I recently found some "Season-all" from 2013. Your saffron wins.

Anonymous said...

That implies package s are too big???

Polly said...

ha, ha, I can identify with this, I did the same a while ago and couldn't believe how long some of the stuff had been in the dupboard!!

Ann said...

If you're anything like me it won't last very long. I know I have spices that have long past their best buy date. I figure as long as they aren't all clumped into one big chunk they're still usable.

nick said...

Jenny and I take a list of items wanted to the supermarket and we buy only what's on the list, no impulse buys. And we check very carefully if we already have something on the list. Very fastidious I know but it saves a lot of duplications.

acorn hollow said...

I too keep a list but trust me I have done the same in the past and because it kills me to toss something I went to the list. I have a pantry too. If I open something it goes on the list so I never run out but it has to be something I use a lot to go on the list at that time mayo, butter, etc.

Chris said...

Because we have our groceries delivered we don't usually impulse buy, but we do have a lot of herbs and spices, some of ours might be out of date.. but I'm not going to check them!!