Thursday, February 01, 2024

What I think about on walks

Louie found some treasure on our walk today. Judging by his attitude I guessed it was a bone but he wouldn't come close enough for me to see properly. He was very protective of it and carried it for a long time before he would even come close enough for me to get a better look. 

From what I saw it was either a bone or a chair leg and probably a bone as there seemed to be something running through the middle of it. But it looked as though there were a piece of cloth attached. "Don't be silly," I told myself. "If it were a human bone cloth would have disappeared before flesh. Oh, so perhaps it's a bit of flesh dangling from it . . ."

When he was eventually persuaded to drop it in exchange for a treat I picked it up (using a doggy bag for protection) and threw it deep into the brambles - without studying it too closely. 
But I can imagine the headline: Dog Finds Human Bone on Golf Course.

And from there it was only a small step to a cosy murder mystery.

It looks as though newcomer Jeff Wade, ex pro golfer, is odds on favourite to win the President's Cup, held for years by club favourite, Anthony Bowers.  When Jeff mysteriously disappears and a dog uncovers a human bone on the golf course rumours abound and previously-concealed rivalries burst to the surface. But when Forensics say the bone is from a woman who must have died about forty years ago a sudden silence descends and nobody wants to talk about it any more. When Chief Inspector Foriron and his loyal Sergeant Putt are sent from HQ to conduct a thorough investigation they find the golfers tight-lipped.

Which could then lead back to smuggling, as mentioned in previous post! If I wasn't already writing one novel and trying to publish another I'd write this story. Which reminds me about MyNoWriMo. I last did it in February 2020  and as February starts today I am suddenly inspired to do it again. 

In case you don't know - and why should you? - NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month, happens each year in November. I used it as an incentive last year to begin rewriting my novel but November is a fun busy month so in 2020 I did my own version in February, MyNoWriMo. 


Boud said...

That's an even bigger challenge -- short month! Even with the leap.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

This is why you're a writer! Such an imagination! If you don't turn your idea into a novel, maybe a short story instead?

acorn hollow said...

You do have a great imagination!