Thursday, February 01, 2024

Two mean dogs and wobbly legs

Daughter was a little under the weather and she had lots of work so I offered to walk Louie today. It's a beautiful day so it wasn't a hardship.

We walked down to Pobbles where the tide was high so no room for him to run - and he was harassed by two mean dogs who frightened him - so we walked up the side of Three Cliffs cliff, if you see what I mean. It wasn't until we'd reached the top and I looked down that I remembered I don't like heights and my legs went all wibbly wobbly.

I don't think Pobbles has a smuggling history but lots of it went on around the Gower coast and you can understand why when you see high tide in a little cove like Pobbles. Something to write about another day maybe.

Down the other side of the cliff I notice a path I've not walked before. "Okay, Louie, if we follow this it will take us over to the beach and then we can walk back the other way." Which was fine until the path turned into a rock climb.
"Okay, Louie, I've had enough wobbly legs today; we'll turn back."

But not before I've taken these photos.

If you look closely at Louie in the photo you'll see he's carrying something. More about that in the next post.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

That last photo is spectacular!

Ann said...

Love these photos. It's so pretty there.

Anvilcloud said...

That is quite a picturesque neighbourhood.