Thursday, February 08, 2024

Just a quick post

To say I hate self-publishing. I hate agents who reject me. I hate publishing companies who reject me. I hate everything that causes me to turn to self-publishing. I hate it when you can't do a simple thing so you look it up, do as the instructions say, and find you've done what you wanted (make page numbering start with 1 on page 3) but have now lost all the other page numbers.

Just when you think you've solved it!

(Obviously I don't hate any of it really. I'm just really really fed up, mostly with myself because I can't remember from one experience to the next how I did it last time and have to go through all the agony again. And you'd think it would be simple and is really but then as I'm going through the process the file gets given different dot thingies at the end and I can't remember what each one is, and have I mentioned I hate it?)

Have put back date of publication again. (Have I put it back or moved it forward? A bit like if this is my forearm then is that my back-arm?)

Oh dear, I'm rambling. Time to stop and call GrandDaughter3 to sing happy birthday.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I feel your pain. Technical stuff can be SO annoying.

Ann said...

It all sounds very frustrating

Anvilcloud said...

I admire anyone who publishes in whatever form.

Anonymous said...

If you are struggling with building your book, someone will prepare it for you, ready to upload, relatively cheaply on a site like Fiverr.

As for marketing, paid ads through Amazon KDP are a must to get noticed. A budget of $1 or $2 per day is enough to get started. Choose the Automatic option first of all, then look at the details of the ad to see what keywords people were using to click and buy. You can then use Manual targeting to optimize your ad campaign. But again, the truth is that there is so much competition on Amazon, you must pay - even a moderate amount - to get noticed to build sales, reviews, and momentum.

Don't neglect your book description/product page either. Mirror the product descriptions of successful books in your niche. Grab readers' attention.

Boud said...

Yes, you sound fed up. But you've done it before, you'll do it again. And happy birthday as appropriate!