Tuesday, February 06, 2024

From A to banana

Still working on bible study for tonight. I am consulting all sorts of references - most of which say the same thing. I'm also digging deeper so I'm prepared for arguments. 

I have prepared almost another study in my attempt to pre-empt A, which is why it's taking me so long. On the other hand, it might prove interesting for everyone. If A is there and decides to tell us why we're wrong, it could be a long evening; if A isn't there, we'll end early and have cake and tea. Speaking of which, I'll take a break now to make the cake.

I was going to make ginger but noticed I have two elderly bananas so will make banana cake instead.

And we finally had our cawl and dumplings last night. 


Marie Smith said...

Your meal looks delicious! Good luck with A.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Have fun at Bible Study tonight! I bet your banana cake will be a hit.

Boud said...

Is my comment in spam?

Kathy G said...

Your title was perfect! Often for me that's the hardest part of the post.

Liz Hinds said...

Thank you, Marie, Debra, Kathy.
I wouldn't know how to find it if it is, Boud.

Boud said...

Your titles are great, been meaning to say that. About spam: when you go to the comment page, there's an arrowhead at the top. Click it and you'll see spam. If you've never looked before, you might have a surprise coming.

Ann said...

I'm hungry for cake now.