Saturday, January 13, 2024

Went to Verdi's . . .

and didn't have ice cream! Nothing to do with the temperature being nearly zero; more to do with being late.

Met up with cousins but couldn't get there till after everyone else and then stuck behind 'old people' at the parking machine for about ten minutes.

Beautiful women

As everyone was drinking coffee felt obliged to order tea not ice cream. But a lovely time catching up and especially seeing one cousin who'd moved down from London eighteen months before and I hadn't realised.

Went into the village afterwards but no free parking spaces and too cold anyway, so came home, which is where you find me now, considering how many extra layers I need to put on to walk with Daughter and family this afternoon.


Marie Smith said...

Great to have family in the area!

Chris said...

How lovely to meet up with 'girl' friends for a good chat, hope you put the world to rights?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

What a great photo!