Sunday, January 07, 2024

Three Things About Elsie

I have read it before! I bought a copy in a charity shop the other day because I flicked through it and loved one of the lines: 'Does God have  a plan and where does he see me fitting into it?' I asked the vicar once.

The blurb on the back didn't sound familiar but when I began to read the style of writing did. According to my blog I read it in 2018 - five years ago! - so that is okay. If it had been last week I'd be worried. It's not in my book journal but that only dates back to April 2020.

I am intrigued by the write-up I gave it on my blog - particularly regarding the ending - so I shall read on in eager anticipation.

Just went upstairs to get book to find quote mentioned above, was halfway back down the stairs before I realised I hadn't picked up the book. I did however have a bundle of washing to go in the machine. 


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Perhaps your opinion of the ending will have changed now, 5 years later. Let us know!

Boud said...

Interesting to revisit. Because you were someone else five years ago.

Ann said...

It will be interesting to see if you feel the same way about the book 5 years later.