Thursday, January 18, 2024

I've lost your dog

On my walk today I had reached the stage of, not phoning Elder Son, but thinking how long I should leave it before doing so to tell him, "I've lost your dog."

We'd gone a different way, which was what made it tricky. I wasn't sure if Toby'd remember or whether he'd take a more familiar route. After trying several directions I headed back to start again and that was when Toby came running back. 

I have to say a lot of prayers had gone up and many more followed as I said thank you.

He looks a bit fox-like especially if you just catch a glimpse of him running through trees but that's no excuse for his behaviour. He disappeared three times more on our walk - I assume following the scent of a female fox on heat - even though I'd warned him, "Three strikes and you're out and we're going home!"

The fourth time we were on our way home anyway so my threat was wasted. He doesn't always have slobber on his nose, by the way.

A beautiful day for a walk though. I felt the need of some nature so volunteered to take Toby.

These made me think of the undead rising from their graves.

From the top of the hill looking across to the city and the bay

* * * * *

In the cake decorating shop to buy a board when I was inspired. There were beautiful ready-made (and expensive) cake decorations there but I decided to make my own. I should know better. It's not as easy as they suggest on youtube videos. I needed Ann to help me. After a lot of trying and rolling up and starting again I've ended up with these.

They're not too bad. I think if I make a few leaves as well they'll make a centrepiece for the ruby wedding anniversary cake I'm doing. Assuming they don't fall apart in the meantime.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I think your roses are lovely!

Marie Smith said...

I can imagine that feeling on losing the dog. Glad he came back.

Ann said...

Toby was a bit of a rebel.
I think your roses look great.

Anvilcloud said...

I imagine that you heart skipped a beat or three.

Chuck Pergiel said...

Roses are red, leaves are dead, um, ran out of rhymes.